Hello! My name is Dannyboy and this is my First time to BLOG. I want to learn how to "SCAM", because my mom is a frustrated gambler, and at this point of time she is heading the wrong direction that she might end up losing everything. She has already borrowed large amount of money from different people, and has already used her house as collateral just to borrow large amount of money, and sold one of her vehicle and still continuing to borrow money from individuals just to support her gambling habits and uncontrollable shopping spree. At some point she even has committed illegal activities for money, not knowing or caring that she has done something against the law.
That is why I want to learn how to "SCAM"!!!!!!! what is SCAM?
HOW? I need to rehabilitate my mom by;
a) Make her stop borrowing large amount of money from individuals just to support her gambling.
b) Make her stop doing illegal activities before she gets caught and get incarcerated.
c) Make her stop "GAMBLING"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
On June 30, 2008, I confronted my mom to discuss with her about her future and to wake her up from reality and to convince her to change. Unfortunately, she was so stubborn and refused to listen to me, because she has always been in denial.
We argued so much that day, because I kept insisting for her to change, but she refuses. If she won’t change and secure her future, what will happen to her? Who will suffer when she is so old and bedridden? Should I just let her be and let her continue her bad habits? What if she loses everything on her possession, just because of her bad habits of illegal activities and eventually gets caught?
A parent should know what is right from wrong. A parent should teach their children to set a goal for their future. A parent should be a role model. A parent should teach their children how to love. In my mom's case, I am the parent trying so hard to teach a lesson to a child.
Go kuya danny go! i am behind you all the way! Mabuhay!
hi kuya danny
found some useful tips that may help:
and you can also join a support group and tell them about your blog, like this one:
just copy paste those links onto your browser :D goodluck :D
Oo nga. Ok to Kuya Danny. This is therapy. Who needs a shrink right?
People, kuya danny needs your comments so please take some time to post one. All comments will be much appreciated. Thanks everyone!
CHeers! :-)
kuya danny, i know how difficult it is not to be accepted by somebody especially when it is your own mother. but, you know what, i admire you for what you are doing, you know, the fact that she's trying to push you away, the fact that she's blaming you. but still you didnt give up on her. and instead you're actually trying to help her. that's one thing i lack, understanding people (coz, most of the time, its my way, you know what i mean, im bunso!). but, i think, and i know that you're doing the right thing for you and your mom, remember that still, things happen for a reason, you just have to be stonger(coz i know you're already strong) for yourself. living in a place like that,i also know the feeling of being all alone. i cant help but think if you're gettin scared inside that creepy big house.(haha). just want to make you laugh or a simple smile will do, despite of all the trials. just remember to always pray, and things will be just fine......IN TIME... =]
kuya danny, i know how difficult it is not to be accepted by somebody especially when it is your own mother. but, you know what, i admire you for what you are doing, you know, the fact that she's trying to push you away, the fact that she's blaming you. but still you didnt give up on her. and instead you're actually trying to help her. that's one thing i lack, understanding people (coz, most of the time, its my way, you know what i mean, im bunso!). but, i think, and i know that you're doing the right thing for you and your mom, remember that still, things happen for a reason, you just have to be stonger(coz i know you're already strong) for yourself. living in a place like that,i also know the feeling of being all alone. i cant help but think if you're gettin scared inside that creepy big house.(haha). just want to make you laugh or a simple smile will do, despite of all the trials. just remember to always pray, and things will be just fine......IN TIME... =]
Hello bunso! Thank you for your lovely message and moral support. I really appreciate your point of view. I just hope That she will realized that no matter how hard she pushes me away, I will still stand hard as a rock and will continue to wait until she gives up on pushing me away and start to love me like a real son.
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