Tuesday, August 5, 2008


People think that I was wrong to start my blog, but I know for a fact that my blog is being effective. My blog has reached people that I know and people who are strangers to me, who gave me good advices that will benefit my mom and me. I am surprised that there are people who are really concern for my mom and I to work things out, and I really appreciate their concern. I may not admit to you all “FOR NOW” that I am wrong to post my blog, but I know that my blog is making a change. Some of us are very conservative and some of us are very modern, but there are situations in our life that we don’t have to be either one just to deal with a situation that will benefit not only me, but all of us.

I am not trying to destroy my relationship with any member of our family neither burn bridges with any one and my door will always remain open for any one, but I am not expecting for every one to take my side, because I know some people may disagree with the way I handled my situation with my mom, but don’t deprive me from my right to do what I decided on how to straighten up my mom’s head, because nobody had experience my situation with my mom, and some people had not experienced owing a lot of money in the Philippines that a person could be sent to jail or get hurt, If a person can not pay off a debt from a person.

I had opened my mom’s closet to reveal her skeleton pertaining to gambling, my relationship with my mom and financial debts, but I had not revealed her other skeletons which are worst than what I had revealed. I admit that I do have skeletons myself which I am not ashamed to take it out off my closet, but I will not do so, for my family’s sake and there is no need because I had already straighten up my head and I had paid my debts.I am only trying to make her change for herself and for the people she is affecting with her ways. That is why I will not allow my mom to take the driver seat any longer, because she has been going the wrong path for “MANY YEARS” and because enough is enough.

My recorded conversation that I had posted on my blog was originally recorded for good intention’s, and I had not violated our privacy because it was my own conversation with my mom and that conversation that I had recorded was not private because before I had posted my recording on my blog a lot of people knows already about our conversation because my mom had told numerous people already. No one has the right to say my conversation was/is private if I chose not to be private.

My way or your way, love or no love it doesn’t matter, and win or loose this debate I will not regret if nobody take’s my side, at least I know for sure that I had made a change.

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